Irányelvek és dokumentumok

Nemak Business Code for suppliers

Nemak Code of Conduct

Nemak Global Anti-Corruption Policy

Nemak HSE Policy

Nemak Human Rights Policy

Nemak Sustainable Purchasing Policy

GRI Index 2018

GRI Index 2019

GRI Index 2020

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Anti-trust and Fair Traide

Anti-Money Laund and Sanct

GRI Index 2021

2022 Scope 1&2 Emissions Verif

Bioiversity & Ecosystem S. Policy

2021 Scope 1&2 Emissions Verif

2020 Scope 1&2 Emissions Verif

2019 Scope 1&2 Emissions Verif

2018 Scope 1&2 Emissions Verif

Info Sec Req for Suppliers

GRI Index 2022

Bloomberg GEI 2024

APEX Verification Opinion 2023